A Free Day in Seoul

As i wrote in my last post, we got out of JFK two hours late, and with very strong summer head winds did not make up the delay in the course of the 15 hour flight. And hence missed our outbound connection from Incheon Int’l. Airport.

Korean Air provided a swanky room in a great hotel and also made sure i have a transit visa to enter Korea and hence by default check out the city tomorrow. Siem Reap, Cambodia, my final destination from here has only one direct flight and thats only tomorrow evening. So I have an entire day to check out Seoul.

Any pointers, suggestions will be appreciated for this abridged short day trip.

All in all I have become a big fan of Korean Air. As I mentioned before, great service, great food and frankly a more pleasant experience. I had almost forgotten what it felt like to see aftershave and lotion in the lavatory.
Incheon Airport is nothing great. Dont get me wrong here. Its a modern high class airport in terms of amenities. But as most airports get today architecturally, its neutral and if you took away the Korean language signs, you would be hard pressed geographically to locate yourself on the map.

So all in all, a hectic flight and a forced day of holiday in a city i didnt expect to be.

As they say here in Korea….KAMSAM NI DA….thank you.
