Technology has sure made the world an amazing place. If you are reading this post, you should know that this was written 35,000 feet above the Arctic Circle. I am on my way to Siem Reap, Cambodia on a site visit for a new project that is starting in our office. We are doing some work for the Angkor Hospital for Children, in Siem Reap, home to the world renowned temples of Angkor Wat.
The Korean Air 747 took off from JFK after a two hour delay due to weather.
Sitting on the tarmac for two hours was a bad way to start a trip. But then finally we got off the ground.
I am flying an non US or non-European airline after a very long time and boy is it so much better. The food is much better, and they serve alcohol for free. Not like US airlines that charge $4 for a Jack Daniels. The staff is more corteous even though the primary language is Korean, something I dont understand expect a smattering of words.
And then, wonder of wonders, they announce that the aircraft has high speed wi-fi access. Generally it has to be paid for, but in this case because we were delayed they gave us a complimentary coupon. So there I am hooked up and blogging away. Just before i started to blog, the captain announced that we are flying over the North Pole.
Its a 14.5 hour long haul to Incheon Airport, and there is a distinct possibility that we will miss our onward connection to Cambodia. But I am excited to be back at Incheon Int’l Airport after 15 years.
Look out for more posts in the coming days on life in Cambodia, and travel to and fro.