The LGBT movement in India is still in its nascent beginnings. Ashok Row Kavi, would probably punch me for this statement. However it is not for the lack of effort by the LGBT themselves. Sadly it is the lack of maturity of the general Indian populace to come to terms with any but being "straight".
Historically it was not so. I remember going to Khajuraho as a student of architecture and noticing that within the thousands of temple carvings, was a vast encyclopedia of every form of sexual preference. If at that time this was main stream enough to become part of a temple monument, then why is it that today we, the same people and society shun it. A lot of that blame can be put on the Victorian morals dumped on India during the 400 year British presence in India.
However things are begining to change. Just last year there was a Gay Pride Parade in Mumbai and other cities and the general awareness and acceptance seems to be on the increase. At least in the urban metros.
And therefore, it is not long that this presence is felt in the Indian blogosphere too.
Gaysi: The Gay Desi is a new group blog that has been up and about for a short while now and their writing and content is crisp, fresh and interesting.
As the founder Broom writes
I wanted to have a space where gaysis could come and share their stories, their triumphs and failures, their struggles and their dreams, their hopes and despair. And in doing so, give other gaysis a sliver of hope too.
But this blog is not just for gaysis. It’s for the non-gaysis who want to be better friends or better relatives to their gaysi friends and family members. It’s a place where we will, hopefully, demystify what it means to be a gaysi.
So hop on over, and join the transformation to a more understanding society for one and all. One that transcends all barriers, especially the one of sexual orientation.
Hi! I write for
While we’re not based in India, we cover South Asian related queer news – so this includes Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives…We basically cover anything to do with any South Asians anywhere in the world. You might be happy to know that our second largest readership is in India (#1 readership is in the US, which is expected since we’re based there). So I definitely think India is ripe for this movement.
I am an obsessive compulsive queer spammer. Please help me overcome this.