Live Blogging the Inauguration on Facebook

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Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:33am January 20

Bush is walking down and looks a little forlorn

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:33am January 20

I think Michelle Obama looks fantastic in her dress.
Its also a beautiful day in DC

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:34am January 20

Whats up with Bill Clinton ? Packed a lot of weight.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:34am January 20

Cant wait for the satellite image from CNN….the one they are taking of the Mall.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:35am January 20

Cheney hurt his back. Ironic eh that the "terminator" is being wheeled in.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:36am January 20

The trumpets go off……..and Bush and Cheney are being announced in. The announcer made a gaffe…..dont they practise.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:37am January 20

there’s our man….Biden. Smiling away.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:37am January 20

Bush, Clinton B and Clinton H, Gore all huddle and share a joke…..wonder what they said to each other.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:38am January 20

I will miss the Bushisms. Thank god for youtube and Jay Leno to keep the memories alive.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:39am January 20

Is it just me or does the announcer sound like the announcer dude from WWE or the one from the Mega Millions ad.

Lajwanti Khemlani at 11:39am January 20

yes, agree about Bush, Arzan. So happy to see them all…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:40am January 20

And there’s the big O. He is here.
Damn…..insane crowds. Wish I was there…..So near (200 miles) yet so far.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:40am January 20

I love Obama’s tie. Can I get one ?

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:42am January 20

Anderson cooper says there is some space to sit around the Lincoln Memorial. Can I get there in time ? Can CNN beam me there with their hologram technology.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:43am January 20

SOme crazy politico cracked a joke…."I decided to come back"….hunh

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:43am January 20

…..the drum rolls……the impending arrival of 44

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:44am January 20

…..WTF……Barack H……..didnt have the guts to say Hussain. Screw the anouncer

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:44am January 20

Obama Obama Obama….the crowd goes nuts.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:45am January 20

here….I am sitting with Americans and people from 6 other nationalities….glued to the TV….watching this moment at 641.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:46am January 20

Hope Feinstein keeps it short. We didnt gather to watch her.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:47am January 20

The Obama daughters are really beautiful kids. Have taken to their moms beauty.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:48am January 20

The crowd is getting antsy with Feinstein…..however she is making some very good talking points.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:48am January 20

Even Feinstein….halts between Barack and Obama.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:49am January 20

Rick Warren….the controversial pastor takes the stage. Reading from the scriptures. Is this the first of the necessary pandering that Obama needs to do to keep the consensus ? Hope not

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:50am January 20

Rightfully so…..the acknowledgement of the first African American President.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:50am January 20

The images from the crowd are stirring and fantastically genuine. However its only 7 minutes to go……before noon. Come on pal.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:53am January 20

The invocation to the Christian God is interesting. Its interesting to see how the choice of words pan out

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:54am January 20

the "queen bee" of american music….Aretha Franklin………..gawd…..does she have a sense of dressing or not ?

Preeti Gautam at 11:54am January 20 via Live

I am still waiting to be connected…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:56am January 20

Its funny…..I am watching this moment with the same group of people….colleagues at work, on the same TV, in the same conference room as I was watching the events of Nov 04, 2008.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:57am January 20

A nice song by Aretha….however not the most stirring of her performances.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:57am January 20

Please rise… Biden takes the oath of office.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:58am January 20

Thats one massive bible……I Joseph M. Biden do solemly swear……

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:58am January 20

….a horrific thought flashes across my mind… could have been Sarah Palin……….yikes…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 11:58am January 20

Welcome mr. vice president

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:00pm January 20

and now feinstein…..introduces itzhak perlman….yo yo ma

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:01pm January 20

Perlman has aged since I last saw him live all those years ago at the Brabourne Stadium Bombay in the early 90’s when he was there with Zubin Mehta and the ISrale Philaharmonic.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:01pm January 20

…..and very soon….anticipating….THE MOMENT.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:02pm January 20

they show Barack and Joe sitting and contemplating. What is going thru his mind ?

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:02pm January 20

while Michelle, Sasha, Malia and the others are giggling and gossiping away …..girls will be girls….:) …..ok kidding

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:04pm January 20

The ensemble of musicians….interesting….a Jew, Asian and Black…..fantastic…truly race and color dont matter. Merit and talent do.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:04pm January 20

And there’s 44 smiling away…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:05pm January 20

and now Chief Justice… called to service….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:06pm January 20

…..I Barack Hussein Obama do solemly swear will execute the office of the President of the united states faithfully……….so help you god…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:06pm January 20


Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:07pm January 20

….the 44th President of the United States…..addresses the nation. Wow…….no seriously wow.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:07pm January 20

Thank you…..Thank you….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:10pm January 20

….he is wading into the issues in the eloquence that only he can muster…..war, economy, healthcare, education…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:10pm January 20

…..The challenges will be met…..the first thunder applause…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:11pm January 20

….unity of purpose over conflict and discord.

Prashant Chauhan at 12:11pm January 20

all deserve a chance.. to persue their hapiness…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:12pm January 20

…..young nation…..set aside childish things…..carry forward the noble idea that all are equal, all are free and all have a chance to pursue their full happiness

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:13pm January 20

The salute to the immigrants of centuries ago.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:13pm January 20

America is bigger than the sum of our individuals…..this is the journey we continue

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:14pm January 20

Michelle and Hillary……two of the most powerful women in the world today.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:14pm January 20

….a big doff to environmental sustainability…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:15pm January 20

whether the government is too big or too small….but whether it works.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:16pm January 20

….restore the vital trust between the people and the government.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:16pm January 20

….makets can spin out of control and the nation cannot prosper..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:17pm January 20

Malia peeks into her camera……the best advertising for Nikon ever !!!

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:18pm January 20

…..America is a friend of each nation…………what a fuckin change from the W years. A thunderous applause follows….rightly.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:19pm January 20

……keepers of the legacy…..guided by the principles of these accords

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:19pm January 20

…..roll back the specter of global warming….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:19pm January 20

…..a strong message to the terrorists….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:20pm January 20

…..patchwork of cultures…….Jews and HINDUS…..yeah…..the acknowledgement.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:20pm January 20

… the muslim world….we seek a new way forward….on mutual respect…..people will judge you on what you build…and not what you destroy…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:22pm January 20

…..a salute to the military….serving abroad…or lie in death at the Arlington Cemetry

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:23pm January 20

……honesty and hard work….courage and fairplay….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:24pm January 20

….a new era of responsibility….so defining of our character….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:25pm January 20

…..a man whose father 60 years ago would not have been served at a restaurant, stands before you to take oath…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:27pm January 20

….thank you…..God bless you and God bless the United States of America

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:27pm January 20

Bush looks so forlorn….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:27pm January 20

President Obama….finally…..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:28pm January 20

….Poet Elizabeth Alexander has a poetry recital…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:29pm January 20

its a bit anti climatic…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:32pm January 20

the crowds on the Mall are wandering away.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:33pm January 20

….The Benediction….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:35pm January 20

Yes We CAN… together.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:37pm January 20

…..tanks will be beaten into tractors….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:37pm January 20

…..brown…..will stick around…yellow will not be mellow…white will do the right thing…

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:38pm January 20

Biden’s taking pictures….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:38pm January 20

….and the national anthem.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:40pm January 20

…….CNN’s run-up to the event has been fantastic. Thanks to all of them.

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:42pm January 20

Now Obama will really make sure that Bush leaves…..Will personally put him on the helicopter. They dont want chances….incase 43 comes back….

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:42pm January 20

the USAir pilot is there too. Must say they are on top of things.
And there’s Colin Powell

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:44pm January 20

….and thats the end of this live blogging session.

Suchitra Valjee at 12:45pm January 20 via Facebook Mobile

Superb arzan…just reading your rendition is like watching the ceremony ‘live’ again..

Arzan Sam Wadia at 12:47pm January 20

thanks suchitra.
