Over the past couple of days, I haven’t had the chance to blog here. In case you thought something was wrong with your RSS reader, do not despair. There was nothing to update as I was busy catching up on my other blog in the blogosphere.
Besides being a group blogger on Metroblogging NYC, Metroblogging Mumbai and Naachgaana, I also run another blog titled Parsi Khabar.
From time to time, I cross post article here on nVa and Parsi Khabar both.
The blog is an aggregator blog of news appearing in the online realm. From time to time, I write personal opinions on this site.
A big task in this blog is to update the numerous articles that appear in newspapers around the world, featuring something or the other about Parsis: The Zoroastrians of India.
So if you haven’t ever had time to check it out, do drop by and have a look. I promise you will like what you see.