Playboy In India

A prayer has been answered. The wishes of the male species in India have been answered. Playboy plans to enter India.

Playboy is in talks to launch a men’s magazine in India, but one that does not include its trademark nudes or even its name, Chief Executive Christie Hefner said on Thursday…….

…….But she considers that among the company’s boldest ventures would be the possible launch of a magazine in India — its first without the Playboy name on its cover.

“This is quite a departure for us,” Hefner told the Reuters Media and Advertising Summit. “We are interested in the possibility of going to India, but it wouldn’t be what we call classic Playboy.

“It would be an extension of Playboy that would be focused around the lifestyle, pop culture, celebrity, fashion, sports and interview elements of Playboy,” added Hefner, daughter of Playboy founder and publishing icon Hugh Hefner,

“But it would not have nudity and I don’t think it would be called Playboy,” she said.

India, the world’s most populous democracy, is attracting investment by foreign media companies trying to catch the wave of young urban migrants seeking jobs in the thriving customer service industry.

Founded in 1953, Playboy has about 20 local editions around the world that cater to local taste rather than simply export and translate its U.S. content. It would do the same in India, Hefner said, tailoring a magazine there to the standards of the marketplace.[ link ]


1 comment

  1. Well I would like to see if there are any protests over this..let’s see the double standards of the Indian politicians and the society.

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