A couple of years ago, Sania Mirza was in the eye of a storm because of the clothes she wore while on the tennist court. She angered Muslim fanatics who thought it was not decent for a “proper Muslim Girl” to show her legs. If they had their way, she should have played in a burkha.
And now a similar controversey erupts.
Sania renewed her doubles partnership with Israel’s Shahar Peer.
Mirza, a Muslim, and Peer are close friends on the tour and played together at the 2005 Japan Open where they reached the semi-finals.
However, under pressure from militants furious over a Muslim and Jew playing together, the partnership broke up. [link]
However the renewal of ties again has some fanatics up in arms.
Lets hope that Sania takes this in her stride as in the past and ignores all the controversey and concentrates on the game as…
Mirza and Peer have been seeded 16 at Wimbledon and will take on Lisa Osterloh and Sofia Andersson in the first round.
The teaming of Muslim and Jewish players has caused a Wimbledon row in the past.