Some Thoughts on Teachers Day

September 5th is celebrated as Teachers Day all over India. On this day we recognise all the teachers in our lives who have made a difference to us.

Teachers hold an esteemed position in the Indian social ladder and rightly so. Right from mythological times teachers have been revered as equals to parents or even higher.

Here is something I wrote last year on Teachers Day

If you ever have come across one teacher in all your student life, who has changed your life and your way of thinking for the better, you have been blessed.

Thankfully I have had several such opportunities. Right from pre-primary school right upto architecture college, and then graduate school, I have benifited from teachers who have gone beyond their call of duty, to mould me and my fellow students into better human beings, first and foremost, and then to instill in us a sense of purpose for life, that at a young age seems all too ambiguous.

These teachers went above the regular lectures, exams, viva’s and juries, and made me realize that education is something much more than what is contained in the printed text book.

I consider education to be one of the nobler professions, akin to medicine. Teachers who spend their lives teaching kids, do more than just teach. They help mould the future of our communities, cities and countries.

So, if like me you have been touched by a teacher who changed your life for the better, now is the time to write an email, pick up the telephone or pen some thoughts and let them know what they meant to you.

And to my dear teachers, I wish you a very Happy Teachers Day.



  1. Teachers helps us to learn from yesterday, live for today & hope for tommorrow…

  2. indian people’s have been cellibrating teacher day on 5 sep since 1962.this day commerates us the birthday of dr. sarvpalli radha krishnan that was the great teacher and philosper of our country,and his contribution towerd indian eduacation system .the dr.krishnan belive that “the teacher should be the best mind in country.
    on this day wee greatfully remamber the great educationist apart from honnering all the teacher that have made our future knowladegeble and fulfil.
    the birthday of dr.krishnan is cellibreated as teacher day,when his student and friend request him to cellibreat his birthday ,dr.krishnan sade ,it would proud for me my birthday is cellibreated to honering all the teacher of the country ,from till date the day is observe as teacher day.
    the teacher day is importent for all pepole of india because a teacher act as a foundation to create responsible citizan and good human being .
    in according to our culture the place of a teacher is greater than god ,all of you know that one time arjun phase a confusion when his guru and lord krishna came to meet him that time lord krishna sade him to wish first his guru.
    we can not imazing a live without teacher and can never say thanks our teacher.
    this day is celibreated to showing our acknowledgement and recognisation of hard work put in by our teacher towered our development………………………..

  3. The felling when a pupil of mine comes to me and saya”Thank you teacher,you helped me a lot

  4. Teacher is thd one who shapes our mind,made us difference.changes our world.taugh right from wrong and brings us from darkness to light.

  5. “In the world the greatest Teacher is one who makes you what to learn
    By (Inder Solanki.D)

  6. I dont know who are you, and I do know you read my reply message, I just tell about dat I like ur message 

  7. Rakesh Dwivedi(gorakhpur) • a year agoindian people’s have been cellibrating teacher day on 5 sep since 1962.this day commerates us the birthday of dr. sarvpalli radha krishnan that was the great teacher and philosper of our country,and his contribution towerd indian eduacation system .the dr.krishnan belive that “the teacher should be the best mind in country.
    on this day wee greatfully remamber the great educationist apart from honnering all the teacher that have made our future knowladegeble and fulfil.
    the birthday of dr.krishnan is cellibreated as teacher day,when his student and friend request him to cellibreat his birthday ,dr.krishnan sade ,it would proud for me my birthday is cellibreated to honering all the teacher of the country ,from till date the day is observe as teacher day.
    the teacher day is importent for all pepole of india because a teacher act as a foundation to create responsible citizan and good human being .
    in according to our culture the place of a teacher is greater than god ,all of you know that one time arjun phase a confusion when his guru and lord krishna came to meet him that time lord krishna sade him to wish first his guru.
    we can not imazing a live without teacher and can never say thanks our teacher.
    this day is celibreated to showing our acknowledgement and recognisation of hard work put in by our teacher towered our development………………………..0 •Reply•Share ›parjanaya • a year ago−teachers helps students to discover their life0 •Reply•Share ›zainab • a year agoteachers are the one who helps us to move forward in life….0 •Reply•Share ›Rajesh nirankari • a year agoTeachers helps us to learn from yesterday, live for today & hope for tommorrow…0 •Reply•Share ›mahima khandelwal • a year agoeast or west teacher is best0 •Reply•Share ›
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  8. iluv my teachers bcoz god has jst creatd us but our teacher gave us the way of meetng god so in ths way our teachers are ours first god luuvvvvvvvv u my teacher

  9. If you ever have come across any teacher ,then respect them.First,Teacher are the god in our life which they give us education for our Aimbition . and if you had ever get job in your life then,first meet your teacher if you had followed.

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