Watch the World Cup Cricket Online on a Streaming Video Server

As I promised in the last post, I was determined to find a workaround to watching cricket in the office. We have taken the DISH network package at home but sadly cannot use the complimentary free weblink because it has to be accessed from our home PC.

So a little searching on google and a game plan ensued.

I connected a TV tuner card to the desktop and then using VLC Media Player, stream video out from the captured DISH TV feed. A few settings on the network router, and lo behold I can share the video with buddies who have to go to a http:// link in their windows player.

The video quality is average and at 320 pixels, but then the limiting factors are my PC and the uplink speed of my Time Warner connection.

Its an easy way to set up.

If there is interest, expressed below in the comments section, I will put down the procedure to do it.

Other streaming options are setting up an Orb server for yourself, or using SopCast, a free standalone P2P player, akin to the TVU Player

These are working sporadically, from time to time. For a sopcast feed, you need the channel number, easily found at india-forums or

At the same time beware of scams on the internet promising great video for your money and then delivering zilch. Patrix has a good round up on this here



  1. Great to hear you managed to work that out. I was getting increasingly frustrated at the number of spam links at the top of any Google search. Hopefully our posts make it to the top so at least people are directed toward appropriate sources and aren’t cheated.

  2. Why do you say that Orb is not a good option ?? I have used Orb before and it works most of the time.

  3. sir,
    I want to watch world cup cricket 2007 on Online. Can you help me how to set up in my desktop. please.

    Thank you

  4. sir iam mad of cricket
    but i cant see it
    and cant watch it also
    i dont have ay channel for it can i watch it by this

  5. Yo Yo Yo its really good man i cant believe that we can watch it free live mannnnnnnn!!!!!! ya

  6. this is the ultimate link for dishtv links live world cup for free check out and see the difference

  7. i am tring to watch cricket world cup still problam wit
    nihal perera
    al ain UAE

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