Sepia Mutiny has an interesting post today about Upendra Chivukula. He is a local desi politician in New Jersey standing for elections.
In the post he is quoted as
… just think if you drive a Chevy and drink a Cola. Then put them together and you have Chivukula…
But this is not what caught my interest. Reading the comments that followed the post….Manish Vij’s comment gave me a good laugh…..
Manish Vij writes.
If you’re a lout and like iceberg lettuce… Lautenberg.
If you play patty-cake and air hockey… Pataki.
If you wear shorts and are racist… Schwarzenegger.
If you use illegal inhalants and live in a village… Huffington.
If you file torts and are a modernist… Sununu.
If you’re thin and wealthy… Dietrich (Marlene).
These naming schemes are just silly. If people can learn Eastern European names that are now perceived as white, they can damn well learn South Indian ones.