Cheney’s ability to influence policy — as opposed to influencing cable-news programming — may be dulled by his insensitivity to timing and penchant for rhetorical bombast, with such quotes as describing Obama as “a guy without much experience, who campaigned against much of what we put in place … …
    Cheney’s outrageous behavior is very rational, an attempt to wrest the narrative away from the truth that he authorized horrifying war crimes, that he is criminally liable for them and will be described in history as the vice-president who made the US a symbol for torture throughout the world.   Â
outrageous behavior is very rational, an attempt to wrest the narrative
away from the truth that he authorized horrifying war crimes, that he
is criminally liable for them and will be described in history as the
vice-president who made the US a symbol for torture throughout the
world.   Â